I vantaggi del nuoto quotidiano
Sai già che nuotare è un modo divertente per mantenere il tuo corpo in forma. Ma lo sapevi che il nuoto ha anche benefici per il tuo cervello? Hai sentito bene: il nuoto non solo aiuta a tonificare i muscoli e aumentare la salute delle articolazioni, ma ha anche benefici psicologici!
Dalla riduzione dell’ansia alla perdita di peso alla gestione dello stress, una semplice nuotata può migliorare il tuo umore e persino aiutarti a migliorare il tuo sonno. Se hai bisogno di più zzz e meno stress – e ammettiamolo, nella nostra società di iPhone 24 ore su 24, 7 giorni su 7, chi non lo è? – quindi considera di fare un tuffo quotidiano per migliorare delicatamente il tuo benessere personale. Indipendentemente dalla tua età o livello di forma fisica, il nuoto quotidiano o anche settimanale può avere un impatto positivo sulla tua vita.
Pronto per iniziare a scolpire il tuo cervello insieme al tuo corpo? Quindi continua a leggere per saperne di più sui benefici mentali, fisici ed emotivi del nuoto, inclusi alcuni degli ultimi suggerimenti della Lettera sulla salute della Harvard Medical School. Vedremo come sessioni di nuoto regolari possono aiutarti a gestire problemi di salute comuni come insonnia, ansia, dolore cronico e ipertensione. Ovviamente, dovresti sempre consultare il tuo medico se hai domande o dubbi medici.
In che modo nuotare influisce sulla salute mentale?
La tua salute mentale è importante quanto la tua salute fisica. Sfortunatamente, nel mondo frenetico di oggi, non è sempre facile praticare la cura di sé. Ma cosa succederebbe se ti dicessimo che la risposta era già nel tuo giardino?
Con comprovati benefici per l’umore e la salute mentale, il nuoto è un modo fantastico per fare rifornimento e ricaricarsi per le sfide di domani. Numerosi studi hanno mostrato chiari collegamenti tra esercizio fisico regolare e miglioramento dell’umore.
Sebbene chiunque possa trarne beneficio, nuotare può essere particolarmente terapeutico per le persone con ansia o depressione. Come ha spiegato la Harvard Medical School in una newsletter pubblicata la scorsa estate, “Il nuoto è un movimento ripetitivo che ti costringe a concentrarti sui tuoi movimenti e sulla respirazione. Questo aiuta a ridurre lo stress, l’ansia e la depressione. “
Sebbene ognuno abbia una risposta diversa all’esercizio fisico, alcune persone potrebbero effettivamente nuotare da sole più felici.
Benefici emotivi e psicologici del nuoto
Nuotare promuove anche una vasta gamma di benefici psicologici ed emotivi. Dalla diminuzione dei sintomi di depressione e ansia, all’aumento del rilassamento e della felicità, sembra che quasi tutti abbiano il potenziale per trarre beneficio dall’esercizio di routine in piscina, indipendentemente dal loro background di salute.
Allora come funziona questa trasformazione? La risposta sta nella complessa chimica del tuo cervello. Come spiegano gli esperti, l’esercizio fisico (come il nuoto) fa sì che il tuo cervello rilasci neurotrasmettitori chiamati endorfine: messaggeri chimici indicati per aumentare l’umore e diminuire il dolore.
La parte migliore? Non devi nemmeno sudare! Secondo i risultati di uno studio pubblicato nel 2016, che ha seguito un gruppo di 24 donne, “L’esercizio ha ridotto l’umore depresso 10 e 30 minuti dopo l’esercizio, ma questo effetto non è stato influenzato dall’intensità dell’esercizio”. In altre parole, anche un esercizio leggero o moderato può avere un effetto di miglioramento dell’umore: una buona notizia per la maggior parte di noi!
Sebbene questi vantaggi siano decisamente convincenti, non dovresti ancora immergerti nel profondo. Innanzitutto, è importante parlare con il medico prima di incorporare l’esercizio nella tua routine di fitness personale.
Nuoto e ansia
Se hai mai provato sentimenti di ansia, non sei solo.
La buona notizia è che l’ansia è una condizione curabile. Oltre a trattamenti come farmaci o terapia, l’esercizio fisico regolare può anche aiutarti a gestire l’ansia. Organizzazioni che monitorano l’ansia hanno notato che alcune persone rispondono positivamente all’esercizio fisico regolare come il nuoto. Sebbene non tutti ne traggano vantaggio, molti nuotatori riferiscono una riduzione dei sintomi.
Cosa succede al tuo corpo quando nuoti ogni giorno?
A volte, quando non vediamo risultati immediati, diventiamo impazienti o frustrati e abbandoniamo la nostra routine di esercizi. Ci siamo passati tutti, ma non mollare! Potresti non vedere subito i risultati, ma se segui una normale routine in piscina, alla fine inizierai a notare i benefici. Ad esempio, potresti notare di avere più forza, migliore flessibilità, dolore alle articolazioni ridotto o un girovita più sottile. Secondo Harvard, il nuoto può anche ridurre la pressione sanguigna, migliorare l’equilibrio e persino ridurre i dolori articolari causati dall’artrite.
Puoi anche indirizzare e tonificare determinati gruppi muscolari, a seconda dei tuoi obiettivi di fitness specifici. Ad esempio, il classico tratto a farfalla lavora sui deltoidi (spalle) e trapezio (parte superiore della schiena). Il dorso, che utilizza una tecnica diversa, prende di mira il tuo latissimus dorsi (metà schiena), oltre a gruppi muscolari come i muscoli posteriori della coscia e i glutei.
In definitiva, fattori complessi determinano i benefici che provi, che vanno dalla velocità del tuo metabolismo alla tua età e sesso, alla velocità e all’intensità della tua routine in piscina. Se desideri ottimizzare i risultati, valuta la possibilità di parlare con un professionista come un personal trainer, che può personalizzare un piano in base alle tue esigenze specifiche e al tuo profilo di salute. Dovresti anche consultare il tuo medico, che potrebbe consigliarti o indirizzarti allo specialista.
Perché nuotare ti fa sentire bene?
Perché nuoto ti fa sentire così bene? Forse la domanda migliore da fare è perché nuotare non ti farebbe sentire bene! Considera solo questo impressionante elenco di benefici fisici e mentali:
- Maggiore resistenza
- Maggiore energia
- Maggiore felicità
- Ansia ridotta
- Riduzione della pressione sanguigna
- Riduzione della depressione
- Insonnia ridotta
- Riduzione del dolore articolare
- Riduzione dello stress
- Muscoli più forti
- Perdita di peso
Che questo sia l’inizio del tuo viaggio nel benessere o che tu sia pronto a portare la tua routine di fitness a un livello superiore, la tua piscina è il luogo perfetto per iniziare. Esplora oggi i vantaggi e scoprilo tu stesso! Per massimizzare i risultati, prova a utilizzare un’app o un diario per tenere traccia delle tue abitudini di nuoto, quindi segui una routine costante nel tempo.
Sappiamo tutti che nuotare fa bene al nostro corpo, ma sai che anche il livello di ph dell’acqua in cui nuotiamo è molto importante. Vuoi sapere perchè? Leggilo QUI
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I might also like to convey that most of those that find themselves devoid of health insurance usually are students, self-employed and people who are laid-off. More than half of those uninsured are under the age of 35. They do not think they are needing health insurance because they are young along with healthy. Its income is frequently spent on homes, food, and also entertainment. Many individuals that do go to work either 100 or not professional are not given insurance by means of their work so they proceed without owing to the rising cost of health insurance in america. Thanks for the concepts you reveal through this blog.
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Thanks for the different tips shared on this blog site. I have noticed that many insurance providers offer buyers generous reductions if they elect to insure more and more cars with them. A significant number of households currently have several cars or trucks these days, particularly people with old teenage children still dwelling at home, and the savings with policies can easily soon increase. So it pays off to look for a bargain.
I have noticed that over the course of building a relationship with real estate owners, you’ll be able to come to understand that, in most real estate contract, a fee is paid. In the end, FSBO sellers don’t “save” the commission. Rather, they try to earn the commission by simply doing a strong agent’s occupation. In accomplishing this, they commit their money in addition to time to accomplish, as best they can, the jobs of an agent. Those jobs include getting known the home by way of marketing, showing the home to all buyers, constructing a sense of buyer urgency in order to trigger an offer, organizing home inspections, dealing with qualification check ups with the mortgage lender, supervising maintenance, and assisting the closing.
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I have realized that car insurance firms know the vehicles which are susceptible to accidents and various risks. In addition, they know what types of cars are prone to higher risk as well as the higher risk they have the higher the premium rate. Understanding the simple basics associated with car insurance will help you choose the right type of insurance policy that could take care of your family needs in case you get involved in an accident. Appreciate your sharing your ideas with your blog.
Thanks for the useful information on credit repair on all of this site. What I would advice people would be to give up the mentality that they can buy at this point and fork out later. As being a society many of us tend to repeat this for many issues. This includes holidays, furniture, along with items we want. However, you must separate your own wants from all the needs. If you are working to boost your credit score actually you need some trade-offs. For example it is possible to shop online to save cash or you can click on second hand stores instead of pricey department stores intended for clothing.
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Thanks for the strategies you talk about through this blog. In addition, quite a few young women exactly who become pregnant do not even try and get health insurance because they have anxiety they probably would not qualify. Although a few states today require that insurers present coverage regardless of pre-existing conditions. Premiums on these kinds of guaranteed plans are usually higher, but when thinking about the high cost of health care it may be a new safer approach to take to protect one’s financial future.
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It’s my belief that mesothelioma is most fatal cancer. It’s got unusual features. The more I really look at it the more I am convinced it does not act like a true solid tissue cancer. In the event that mesothelioma can be a rogue viral infection, so there is the probability of developing a vaccine along with offering vaccination to asbestos subjected people who are really at high risk of developing foreseeable future asbestos related malignancies. Thanks for revealing your ideas for this important ailment.
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I have learned several important things by means of your post. I would also like to state that there can be situation where you will apply for a loan and don’t need a co-signer such as a Federal Student Aid Loan. But if you are getting credit through a traditional lender then you need to be prepared to have a cosigner ready to assist you. The lenders will probably base their own decision on the few issues but the largest will be your credit standing. There are some lenders that will additionally look at your job history and come to a decision based on this but in many cases it will depend on your credit score.
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I believe that avoiding packaged foods is a first step in order to lose weight. They will often taste very good, but packaged foods have very little vitamins and minerals, making you take more just to have enough strength to get over the day. Should you be constantly feeding on these foods, moving over to cereals and other complex carbohydrates will assist you to have more power while having less. Interesting blog post.
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I have learned quite a few important things as a result of your post. I’d also like to state that there will be a situation that you will get a loan and do not need a cosigner such as a U.S. Student Support Loan. In case you are getting a borrowing arrangement through a conventional bank then you need to be made ready to have a co-signer ready to assist you to. The lenders may base that decision over a few elements but the main one will be your credit standing. There are some loan providers that will also look at your work history and come to a decision based on this but in many instances it will hinge on your report.
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Thanks for your article. I would love to say that the first thing you will need to perform is to see if you really need repairing credit. To do that you will need to get your hands on a copy of your credit history. That should really not be difficult, considering that the government necessitates that you are allowed to have one free of charge copy of your credit report every year. You just have to check with the right people. You can either read the website for the Federal Trade Commission or even contact one of the major credit agencies directly.
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Furthermore, i believe that mesothelioma is a exceptional form of most cancers that is usually found in these previously subjected to asbestos. Cancerous tissues form inside the mesothelium, which is a protecting lining which covers a lot of the body’s areas. These cells typically form within the lining in the lungs, abdominal area, or the sac that encircles one’s heart. Thanks for revealing your ideas.
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I have noticed that wise real estate agents almost everywhere are getting set to FSBO ***********. They are noticing that it’s more than merely placing a sign in the front property. It’s really with regards to building associations with these retailers who later will become buyers. So, if you give your time and effort to serving these sellers go it alone — the “Law involving Reciprocity” kicks in. Great blog post.
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Also a thing to mention is that an online business administration course is designed for students to be able to without problems proceed to bachelors degree education. The 90 credit education meets the other bachelor college degree requirements then when you earn your own associate of arts in BA online, you’ll have access to the latest technologies in this field. Some reasons why students are able to get their associate degree in business is because they may be interested in this area and want to obtain the general education necessary previous to jumping into a bachelor diploma program. Thanks for the tips you provide in your blog.
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I have realized that over the course of creating a relationship with real estate managers, you’ll be able to get them to understand that, in each and every real estate financial transaction, a percentage is paid. All things considered, FSBO sellers tend not to “save” the commission payment. Rather, they struggle to win the commission by simply doing a good agent’s work. In the process, they commit their money plus time to execute, as best they might, the assignments of an real estate agent. Those assignments include exposing the home by means of marketing, offering the home to buyers, building a sense of buyer emergency in order to trigger an offer, scheduling home inspections, managing qualification inspections with the loan company, supervising maintenance, and facilitating the closing.
One thing I would like to discuss is that fat burning plan fast can be achieved by the appropriate diet and exercise. An individual’s size not simply affects appearance, but also the actual quality of life. Self-esteem, depression, health risks, in addition to physical capabilities are influenced in putting on weight. It is possible to just make everything right and still gain. In such a circumstance, a medical problem may be the root cause. While an excessive amount food but not enough exercise are usually the culprit, common health concerns and trusted prescriptions can greatly increase size. Many thanks for your post here.
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In my opinion that a home foreclosure can have a important effect on the borrower’s life. Property foreclosures can have a 8 to a decade negative affect on a applicant’s credit report. Any borrower having applied for a mortgage or any loans as an example, knows that your worse credit rating is definitely, the more complicated it is to obtain a decent bank loan. In addition, it may possibly affect a borrower’s capacity to find a really good place to lease or hire, if that gets to be the alternative housing solution. Thanks for your blog post.
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I have seen that car insurance companies know the vehicles which are at risk of accidents and various risks. In addition they know what sort of cars are susceptible to higher risk along with the higher risk they may have the higher a premium charge. Understanding the straightforward basics of car insurance will help you choose the right form of insurance policy that should take care of your wants in case you become involved in any accident. Thank you for sharing the ideas on your blog.
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Thanks for the strategies you are discussing on this blog. Another thing I’d like to say is getting hold of duplicates of your credit rating in order to scrutinize accuracy of any detail would be the first activity you have to conduct in credit restoration. You are looking to clear your credit file from destructive details mistakes that spoil your credit score.
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Thanks for your helpful article. One other problem is that mesothelioma cancer is generally brought on by the breathing of materials from mesothelioma, which is a carcinogenic material. Its commonly found among staff in the engineering industry who may have long contact with asbestos. It can also be caused by moving into asbestos protected buildings for an extended time of time, Family genes plays a crucial role, and some individuals are more vulnerable towards the risk in comparison with others.
I believe that avoiding refined foods is the first step to lose weight. They could taste excellent, but refined foods have got very little nutritional value, making you take in more simply to have enough energy to get throughout the day. When you are constantly feeding on these foods, converting to cereals and other complex carbohydrates will make you to have more electricity while having less. Good blog post.
Interesting blog post. The things i would like to add is that personal computer memory has to be purchased should your computer can no longer cope with whatever you do by using it. One can deploy two random access memory boards having 1GB each, in particular, but not certainly one of 1GB and one of 2GB. One should look for the maker’s documentation for the PC to be certain what type of memory it can take.
Another thing I’ve noticed is always that for many people, bad credit is the result of circumstances beyond their control. For example they may be really saddled with illness and as a consequence they have substantial bills going to collections. Maybe it’s due to a work loss and the inability to go to work. Sometimes divorce process can truly send the financial situation in a downward direction. Thanks for sharing your thinking on this blog site.
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Some tips i have observed in terms of computer system memory is the fact there are features such as SDRAM, DDR or anything else, that must go with the technical specs of the mother board. If the computer’s motherboard is kind of current while there are no operating system issues, upgrading the memory space literally normally takes under one hour. It’s among the list of easiest laptop upgrade techniques one can imagine. Thanks for expressing your ideas.
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Thanks for expressing your ideas with this blog. Furthermore, a misconception regarding the banking institutions intentions while talking about home foreclosure is that the lender will not have my installments. There is a certain amount of time the bank requires payments every now and then. If you are too deep inside hole, they will commonly require that you pay the payment in full. However, i am not saying that they will have any sort of repayments at all. If you and the traditional bank can find a way to work a thing out, the particular foreclosure practice may stop. However, should you continue to neglect payments in the new strategy, the foreclosure process can pick up exactly where it left off.
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